Saturday, May 30, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

This prequel to the mediocre X-Men trilogy takes Marvel Comics' most popular mutant and provides a full-length feature all to his hairy self! Some would argue that this was not true to the source material and others claim the story is more important than original history of the character but one thing stands clear, the time and film they used to portray some of this hairy mutant's history was rich in action and mutant cameos, from the humorously portrayed Fred Dukes (a.k.a. Blob) to Ryan Reynolds' perfectly accurate Wade Wilson.

Without providing much of a spoiler, I will say that, though the history and proximity of the storyline does not fall in line closely to the source material (where was Department H- the Canadian program? What was the deal with the runt's heightened senses only working when it helped further the plot?) the plot line and the flow of the movie was incredibly adrenaline filled which forces you at blade point to use no more than the front edge of the seat.

Among the many other aspects of beautifully crafted eye candy that this film offers to the uninitiated and fanboy alike, the opening title sequence is actually one of the highlights of the film as it follows the world's favorite furball through nearly every major war in United States history, and does so in a tasteful manner.

Hugh Jackman, though a full foot taller than Marvel's mutant, nails Wolverine yet again and this time, is afforded a full lead role to provide a solid feel of the character. He may not have the blond mane, but Liev Shreiber portrayed a wonderfully maniacal Sabretooth and the not-so-surprising appearance of Gambit was a fun addition to the already mutant rich story, even if actor, Taylor Kitsch couldn't retain the Creole accent Gambit is famous for.

Being a long time X-Men fan, I was put off by some of the modifications made for the 'benefit' of the average movie-goer, but was happily willing to forgive these things due to the high volume of hidden fanboy fun and the excellently crafted visual effects. I give this great comic adaptation three sharpened claws up!

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