Saturday, May 30, 2009

Terminator Salvation

Though, the movie came before the comic books, the Terminator franchise is as close to the heart of this comic fanboy as bread is close to bologna. Whether the books were by NOW comics or Dark Horse, the terminator series translated to 4 color as naturally as peanut butter attaches to jelly. Before I get sidetracked and run into the kitchen, I must get back on topic.
My age had not yet reached the double digits by the time I was first exposed to the world of the time traveling robot killers, programmed to eliminate a poofy-haired blond, through my exciting connection to movies via HBO which, in 1984 was a modern marvel of entertainment technology!
From the first tribal sounding drumbeats that heralded the arrival of Skynet's murderous cyborgs 15 years ago, to the post apocalyptic glimpse of AI domination 9 days ago, the Terminator series has always proven to be able to get the blood pumping in the veins not unlike the hydrolic oil that keeps the joints of the shiny metallic killers moving!
Christian Bale provides an excellent John Connor, even if he does occasionally over-act the role as Mr. Bale is known for (see, Dark Knight) and relative newcomer to the United States screen, Sam Worthington brings an interesting, if not slightly predictable element to the mythos of the Terminator history...future...timeline with his character, Marcus Wright.
Highlights of the movie are the different types of Terminator machines ranging from the T-1 and T-600 to the Hunter-Killers and watching the fight scenes between man and metal never seem to disappoint! What is truly surprising about the movie is the fact that it was directed by McG, the same guy that did the Charlie's Angels movie.
I enjoyed watching this series come (nearly) full circle and happily give it a T-5!

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