Friday, May 29, 2009


I sit and examine my thought balloon when setting this blog up and it says, "Hey man! Why bother with setting up a blog about comic books? There must be a million and three comic blogs out there, some are even by artists and writers, what makes your so friggin' cool?"
These are great questions my thought balloon has asked and I think about people like Peter David, who not only is a professional writer with his own blog, but a very VERY accomplished writer with his own blog. I think about others like him. My brain pan begins to then sift through the retailers, fanboys, and just internet junkies...all with either good connections or no girlfriends which affords them all the time in the world to get the low down and dirty, the excitement, the filthy secrets of the comic books world and I return to my question...WHY?
Well, right or wrong, good or bad, my answer to those three burning letters is simply, I love comic books. With every fiber of my being. I have been with comics for decades and they have never let me down (with the exception of the Clone Saga) and, whether I hit breaking news or just reviews feel-good books of yesterday, this gives me a chance to talk about my love (not my wife, the other love), comics!
I hope you enjoy...oh yeah, I know that the comic world has evolved into the digital age and 4 color may not really apply, I chose the name in tribute to the vibrancy that kept us floating until computers could catch up with our super-heroes.

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