Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gotham suffers another earthquake

Batman: an iconic superhero whose powers are r...Image via Wikipedia

Gotham city is seeing another quake that shakes its foundations to the core! This rumbling is hitting the bat family possibly even harder than the one that rocked the city at the end of the nineties, however as this quake isn't destroying the city but targeting the family of bats directly!
Bruce Wayne is out of the picture (thanks to Darkseid) which leaves an empty batsuit as well as an empty manor.

The Wayne presence is being filled with a look-alike to portray to Gotham that their playboy is okey-dokey, thus, enhancing the illusion that Bruce Wayne is not the Batman. This illusion is actually a bit closer to truth, now that former sidekick, Dick Grayson has taken up the cowl of the bat, shedding his own Nightwing persona.

To add to the shakiness, the conveniently included Wayne childfrom Batman 655-658 plays not just a prominent role, but a pivotal one as he takes up the red and green of the Robin. This does not bode well as Tim Drake is pushed out of his own tights and into the Red Robin personality.

With all of this, there is still room for controversy as the mantle of Batgirl is going to be filled but the woman behind the mask is not entirely clear. The answer is scheduled to be revealed in the newly relaunched Batgirl comic with covers by Phil Noto.

These certainly aren't the only rumblings going on in the world of comic books, but they are certainly gaining the most buzz in my parts!

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