Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cannibal Corpse?! I thought this was about comics?

Cannibal Corpse playing at the 9:30 Club in Wa...Image via Wikipedia

I didn't get to hit the local "bookstore" to snatch up my stack of 4 color escapist magazines this week because Rockstar Energy Drink's Mayhem Festival hit town (and by town, I mean, across the state) to devastate the Pacific Northwest and I had to, really, I HAD to go, I am a big Behemoth fan and they were playing (I already missed them once last year). Well, I also was dying to see Trivium, Slayer, Job For A Cowboy, Whitechapel, and Cannibal Corpse....that's right, Cannibal Corpse!

Of course, by now, you are sitting here thinking, "What in the world does this have to do with comics, man?!" To which, I will say:

The shows were great and the energy was stratosphere. There were so many different people from various walks of life there to watch incredibly talented bands perform wonderfully twisted music, I wouldn't have asked for anything more!

Again, you ask, "Seriously, what about comics?" I then say:

Among the T-shirt and CD covered vendors, sitting on a table, I found the most amazing thing...
A Cannibal Corpse comic book! (Well, graphic novel, if oyu wanna get all technical and whiney about it). That's right a glossy paged comic chocked full of short stories! WOW! The cool thing is, each short story seemed to be based off of a different song from their latest release, Evisceration Plague! How freakin' cool is that?! The book was bagged with the album and the bundle cost me no more than 20 coin so I had to get it, even though that means I now have two copies of their album.

The day went on and I had an amazing time, jumping in the pit to some of the heaviest bands in America (and successfully protecting my comic book treasure). Moshing and headbanging, yelling and singing. The day couldn't get any better....or could it?

Taking a break from the constant slamming, I made my way back to the vendor booths (I am a sucker for spending) and was only half surprised to see band members signing their autographs for appreciative fans. After peering into the crowd of fans for a moment, I caught glimpse of the artists at the signing booth...Cannibal Corpse! A wave of giddiness washed over me and I instantly dug deep and fast for my newly acquired bagged book and just about pulled the plastic from it at light speed, then I charged the line and waited....and waited...In real time, it was two or three minutes tops, but in eager anticipation time, it was an eternity on slow motion! I got to the front of the line and proudly displayed the book and watched as each of the members of this long running and well respected band put their diabolical John Hancock on MY comic book! I continued down the line with a handshake and a 'thank you' until I gathered each musician and then got lost again in the crowd of metalheads, goth girls, and freaks...jealously guarding my latest prize possession.

I walked out of that concert (barely) with some incredible memories, richly colored bruising and great merchandise but the one possession I prize over all others is my Cannibal Corpse comic book, fully autographed by one of the nicest death metal bands ever (sorry guys if this ruins your reputation for being evil)!

I have been trying to locate a link for you to buy this book but have been unable to do so. For now, check out this merch from Cannibal Corpse:

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